Mentor Vault
The world will tell you you're missing something. That only once you find the missing piece you'll be happy, fulfilled. Kris believes the power to living a happy, fulfilled life is already inside of you. 

Our approach to education and learning is to use it as a means to help you see the light that is already inside of you. You don't need to be in a classroom to learn valuable principles. You can learn any time, anywhere. Immerse yourself in the principles and applications you need to take your life to the next level in your relationships, finances, and personal power.
Life Mastery University
Get access to every course. Every event. Every breakthrough. One price.
Looking to do it all? You’re not alone. Many people want to do it all, and do it all RIGHT NOW. The Life Mastery University is your opportunity to expand your knowledge in business, investing, mindset, and more. Access ALL of Kris’ courses and experiences for the next year and make the next 12 months of your life everything you’ve wanted it to be.  
Eliminate every limiting belief sabotaging your success.
All success comes down to the ability to breakthrough every limitation standing between you and what you want. The Art of Breakthrough equips you with real-world skill of breakthrough to change every limitation into a strength and create happiness, success, and limitless progress in life. NEVER let the beliefs you cannot see impede your success. 
The Art Of Breakthrough
Lease Option Pro
Invest at a whole new level with this wealth creation system.
Kris Krohn became financially free at the age of 26 using a single system in real estate that he claimed took the least time, effort, and risk while making the most money. This course dives deep into the upgraded lease option model Kris calls Compassionate Financing. Learn the power of Compassionate Financing and start crushing real estate with this essential wealth system.
Structure any business deal using little money and credit.
Kris used Other People's Money to build his portfolio, buy commercial deals, and build dozens of businesses. How he does this is found inside Partner Profits. Fund any real estate deal, any business you create, any idea you have, and never wait to see your dreams manifest. Learn where to find the people you need so you can see your dreams manifest—every time.
Partner Profits
Advance Sales & Marketing
Build an effective brand. Succeed at tough conversations.
As Kris expanded his influence, he learned that sales and marketing are crucial to continued success. Learn how to create an endless supply of leads for your business through social media and master the script to close small deals and expand your business with confidence. Sell the right people the right product at exactly the right time. 
Learn how to create and grow your YouTube channel.
Kris uses YouTube to spread his unique messages about real estate and breakthrough to the world, and has received unprecedented success because of the tips and tricks he uses strategically with his channels. With over a third of internet users engaging on YouTube, you must be different to succeed. Learn to stand out as a Master Creator with these YouTube How-To digital courses. 
Self Made
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Your Next Step?
Access the entire Kris Krohn Library to step into a world of greater Health, Wealth and Happiness.